《生命科学》 2024, 36(6): 759-770
摘 要:
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease, AD) 已成为全球重大公共卫生问题。内源性大麻素系统(endocannabinoids system, ECS) 是一个强大的信号转导系统,几乎参与了神经系统的所有功能,在AD 的发生发展中起到重要作用,被视为防治AD 的潜在靶点。运动能降低AD 高风险人群发病概率并有效改善AD患者的中枢神经系统功能障碍。本研究旨在从神经炎症、突触功能可塑性、神经发生和突触形态等方面,探讨ECS 在运动防治AD 中的作用机制。
通讯作者:李 岩 , Email:bsuliyan@bsu.edu.cn
Alzheimer's disease (AD) has become a weighty public health problem. The endocannabinoids system (ECS) is a powerful signal transduction system. It has been shown that the ECS is involved in almost all physiological functions of the nervous system and is closely related to the development of AD. Thus, the ECS is regarded as a potential intervention target for AD prevention and treatment. A large number of studies have shown that the appropriate physical exercise can reduce the probability of AD in high-risk population, effectively improve or alleviate AD induced dysfunction of the central nervous system. Previous studies demonstrated that exercise might decrease inflammation, enhance synaptic plasticity and increase neurogenesis by regulating the ECS in AD brain. Based on related studies, this review focuses on the role of ECS in exercise-induced prevention and protection against AD.
Communication Author:LI Yan , Email:bsuliyan@bsu.edu.cn