
蒋 莉*
同济大学上海国际知识产权学院,上海 200092

摘 要:


通讯作者:蒋 莉 , Email:jiangli36@tongji.edu.cn

Research on the international legal governance of human gene editing
Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China


The legal supervision of human gene editing technology on a global scale has different modes such as loose, restrictive and neutral, and is characterized by regionalism, ambiguity and diversity, which makes the risk control of human gene editing, patent dispute settlement and global trade management more difficult. Faced with a series of problems, these have brought governance difficulties to the international community. It is necessary to actively promote the achievement of international ethical consensus, the formulation of international norms, and the clarification of international management rules, so as to comprehensively and systematically respond to the international governance issues caused by gene editing technology in the context of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Communication Author:JIANG Li , Email:jiangli36@tongji.edu.cn

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