
朱一博1 , 卢湖娜1 , 佟月清2 , 崔莹莹1 , 栾云霞1,*
1华南师范大学生命科学学院,广州 510631 2华南师范大学附属中学,广州 510631

摘 要:

衣鱼(Zygentoma) 是常见的图书馆和居家害虫,也具有一定的药用价值。作为现生昆虫类群中与有翅昆虫亲缘关系最近的无翅、不变态昆虫,衣鱼对于探讨昆虫的早期演化、翅和变态发育的发生等谜题至关重要。目前全球已知衣鱼6 科160 属640 余种,其中衣鱼科Lepismatidae 和土衣鱼科Nicoletiidae 世界广布。中国衣鱼研究十分匮乏,仅记录3 科12 种。另外,衣鱼目的单系性和内部各阶元的系统发育关系存在许多争议,古衣鱼科的系统发生地位悬而未决。该文整理了全球衣鱼系统分类学研究,概述了衣鱼的形态特征、分类体系、化石种类、DNA 条形码数据和系统发生等方面的研究进展,提出开展中国衣鱼多样性调查和系统分类研究的必要性和紧迫性。

通讯作者:栾云霞 , Email:yxluan@scnu.edu.cn

Systematic taxonomy of Zygentoma (Insecta)
ZHU Yi-Bo1 , LU Hu-Na1 , TONG Y Cynthia2 , CUI Ying-Ying1 , LUAN Yun-Xia1,*
1South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China 2The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China


Zygentoma are common library and household pests, but also have good medicinal value. Occupying a very important evolutionary position as the sister group to all winged insects,  Zygentoma are of great significance for exploring the early evolution of  insects, the origin of insect  metamorphosis and wing formation. So far, there are more than 640 species in 160 genera of six families known in the world. Among them, Lepismatidae and Nicoletiidae are widely distributed all over the world. The morphological and molecular taxonomy of Zygentoma is very scarce in China, with only twelve species recorded. In addition, the monophyly and phylogeny of Zygentoma are far from clear due to very limited taxa and methods used in previous studies, with much controversy regarding the phylogenetic position of the  Tricholepidiidae. This study reviewed the systematic research of Zygentoma around the world, including  morphology, taxonomy, fossils, DNA barcodes and phylogeny, and proposed the necessity and urgency of diversity surveys and systematic taxonomy studies of Zygentoma in China.

Communication Author:LUAN Yun-Xia , Email:yxluan@scnu.edu.cn

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