
肖亚倩 , 马雪睿 , 郑艾佳 , 高晓杰 , 张倪萌 , 赵子文 , 王 军*
湖北工业大学生物工程与食品学院,武汉 430068

摘 要:

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD) 是一种神经系统失调引发的严重发育障碍性疾病,是遗传因素和复杂环境因素相互作用的结果。目前,孤独症在中国的发病率约1%,受病群体巨大,已经成为我国乃至全世界家庭和社会的严重负担。最近的研究表明,环境污染物( 来自空气、水、土壤) 影响神经元的正常发育,破坏神经系统的功能,从而导致行为和认知问题。该文综述了细颗粒物(fine particulate matter, PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物(inhalable particulate matter, PM10)、微塑料、纳米塑料、氟烷基化合物等环境污染物与孤独症的关联及其致病机理,分析了环境污染研究方面的不足,指出现有研究在环境污染物致病机制方面仍有待探索,同时环境污染的影响在个体间的差异也无法忽视。文章还对未来的研究方向进行展望,希望未来研究在完善评估方法、多领域联合和高科技创新方面有所突破。

通讯作者:王 军 , Email:jun_wang@hbut.edu.cn

Research progress on the association between environmental pollutants and ASD and its pathogenesis
XIAO Ya-Qian , MA Xue-Rui , ZHENG Ai-Jia , GAO Xiao-Jie , ZHANG Ni-Meng , ZHAO Zi-Wen , WANG Jun*
School of Biological Engineering and Food, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe developmental disorder caused by a disorder of the nervous system. It is the result of an interaction between genetic factors and complex  environmental factors. At present, the incidence rate of ASD in China is about 1%, and the affected groups are huge, which has become a serious burden on families and society in China and even the whole world. Recent studies have shown that environmental pollutants (from air, water, and soil) affect the normal development of neurons and impair nervous system function, leading to behavioral and cognitive problems. This paper reviews the research on the etiology of autism caused by environmental pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, microplastics, nanoparticles, fluoroalkyl compounds and analyzes the deficiencies of the research on environmental pollution, points out that the pathogenic mechanism of environmental pollutants remains to be explored, and the differences between individuals in the impact of environmental pollution cannot be ignored. The paper also looks forward to the future research direction, and hopes to make breakthroughs in improving evaluation methods, multi-field collaboration and high-tech innovation.

Communication Author:WANG Jun , Email:jun_wang@hbut.edu.cn

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