
李 玉 , 常萌萌 , 刘 阳*
河北师范大学体育学院,河北省人体运动生物信息测评重点实验室,石家庄 050024

摘 要:

传统的运动燃脂理论认为中等强度持续训练(moderate intensity continuous training, MICT) 是减脂效果最佳的运动方式。然而,近年来发现高强度间歇训练(high intensity interval training, HIIT) 不仅可以达到和MICT 相似的减肥效果,在某些特定人群中还具有靶向减少内脏脂肪的优势。这些实验证据对传统的运动燃脂理论构成了挑战,亟需新的理论及实验证据来解释此种减脂效果。本文对近年来提出的HIIT 减脂机制的新兴理论进行了综述,讨论了神经内分泌网络中的关键潜在靶点,为补充和完善传统的运动燃脂理论提供了新的视角。

通讯作者:刘 阳 , Email:billy_ox@163.com

Re-recognition of fat burning in exercise: research progress on fat-reducing mechanism of HIIT
LI Yu , CHANG Meng-Meng , LIU Yang*
Key Laboratory of Measurement and Evaluation in Exercise Bioinformation of Hebei Province, College of Physical Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China


Traditional exercise fat-burning theory suggests that moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) is the most effective form of exercise for fat loss. However, in recent years, it has been found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) not only achieves similar results to MICT, but also has the advantage of targeted visceral fat reduction in certain populations. This experimental evidence challenges the traditional exercise fat-burning theories  and new theories and experimental evidence are urgently needed to explain this effect. This paper reviews the emerging theories of HIIT fat loss mechanisms that have been proposed in recent years and discusses key potential targets in the neuroendocrine network, providing new perspectives to complement and refine the traditional theories of exercise fat-burning.

Communication Author:LIU Yang , Email:billy_ox@163.com

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