
崇 洁1,2 , 马继登1,2 , 张进威1,2,3,4,5 , 孙 静1,2,3,4,5,*
1重庆市畜牧科学院,重庆 402460 2四川农业大学畜禽遗传资源发掘与创新利用四川省重点 实验室,成都 611130 3国家生猪技术创新中心,重庆 402460 4农业部养猪科学重点实验室, 重庆 402460 5重庆市医用动物资源的开发与利用工程技术研究中心,重庆 402460

摘 要:

肠道微生物群与宿主是共生关系,二者共同进化。短链脂肪酸(short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs) 通过保护肠上皮屏障的完整性来维持肠道内环境平衡,并通过影响肠道免疫细胞的分化调节免疫系统。作为肠道微生物群发酵膳食纤维产生的一类重要代谢物,SCFAs 通过抑制组蛋白脱乙酰酶或激活G 蛋白偶联受体调节肠道免疫细胞功能与分化,在宿主的健康和免疫介导的疾病中发挥至关重要的作用。该文从SCFAs 的来源、运输和信号转导,以及SCFAs 对免疫细胞、免疫屏障及肠道疾病的影响等六个方面展开综述,并重点介绍了SCFAs 对免疫细胞的作用。

通讯作者:孙 静 ,

Advances in the intestinal immune regulation by SCFAs
CHONG Jie1,2 , MA Ji-Deng1,2 , ZHANG Jin-Wei1,2,3,4,5 , SUN Jing1,2,3,4,5,*
1Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences, Chongqing 402460, China 2Farm Animal Genetic Resources Exploration and Innovation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China 3National Pig Technology Innovation Center, Chongqing 402460, China 4Key Laboratory of Pig Industry Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Chongqing 402460, China 5Chongqing Engineering Technology Research Center for the Development and Utilization of Medical Animal Resources, Chongqing 402460, China


Gut microbiota co-evolve with host symbiotic  relationships. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) maintain intestinal homeostasis by protecting the integrity of the  intestinal epithelial barrier, and regulate the function of innate immune cells involved in the immune system. As a class of important metabolites produced by the fermentation of dietary fiber in the gut microbiota, SCFAs regulate the function and differentiation of intestinal immune cells by inhibiting histone deacetylases or  activating G-protein-coupled receptors, playing a vital role in disease. This article reviews the production of SCFAs, transport and signal transduction, and the effects of SCFAs on immune cells, immune barriers and intestinal diseases, and focuses on the effects of SCFAs on immune cells.

Communication Author:SUN Jing ,

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