
陈招荣* , 刘新悦 , 赵欣迪 , 马洪峥 , 梁红春
天津农学院园艺园林学院,天津 300392

摘 要:


通讯作者:陈招荣 , Email:chenzr@tjau.edu.cn

Research progress on community composition andfunction of endophytes in plants
CHEN Zhao-Rong* , LIU Xin-Yue , ZHAO Xin-Di , MA Hong-Zheng , LIANG Hong-Chun
College of Horticulture and Landscape, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392


Endophyte is a kind of microorganism that inhabits in plant tissue and takes host plant metabolites as nutrients. There are many kinds of endophytic agents in plants, which colonize in plants in different ways and symbiosis with host plants. Endophytes promote the growth and development of plants by enhancing the absorption of nutrients, competing with pathogens for niche, producing antibacterial substances in the process of metabolism and inducing host plants to develop resistance. The  composition of endophytes community is significantly different due to the ecological environment, different parts of host plants and different stages of growth cycle. The interactions between plants and endophytes have been studied using the traditional tissue separation methods, highthroughput sequencing methods and the construction of synthetic endophytic flora. In this paper, we discuss the composition of plant endophytic agents community, the function of endophytic agents in the host plant and the construction of synthetic endophytes in order to lay a solid foundation for the development and utilization of plant endophytes.

Communication Author:CHEN Zhao-Rong , Email:chenzr@tjau.edu.cn

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