
袁天蔚1 , 李丹丹1 , 张学博1 , 刘 晓1 , 阮梅花 , 朱成姝1 , 张丽雯1,* , 黄 鑫2,*
1中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心, 上海 200031 2中国生物技术发展中心,北京 100039

摘 要:

临床医学研究是连接基础研究和医学实践,实现成果转化和产品应用的关键环节。2022 年,人工智能提升了临床医学的研究效率,组学技术驱动了精准医学的发展,先进治疗药物领域取得较大突破。随着肿瘤、神经系统疾病、代谢系统疾病等领域研究重点的变化,真实世界研究和临床研究多样性获得更多关注。国际组织和监管机构对新技术研究及应用的伦理问题提出了更具体的指导意见和监管要求。本文总结了2022 年全球临床医学的主要研究进展与特点,展望了未来的发展前景,及其从“碎片式研究”到“高通量研究”到“定制化研究”的发展方向。

通讯作者:张丽雯 , Email:zhangliwen@sinh.ac.cn 黄 鑫 , Email:huangxin@cncbd.org.cn

Development trends and future prospects in clinical medicine in 2022
YUAN Tian-Wei1 , LI Dan-Dan1 , ZHANG Xue-Bo1 , LIU Xiao1 , RUAN Mei-Hua , ZHU Cheng-Shu1 , ZHANG Li-Wen1,* , HUANG Xin2,*
1Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China; 2China National Center for Biotechnology Development, Beijing 100039, China


Clinical medicine is a key linkage between basic research and application in medicine to realize the transformation from research results to products. In 2022, the research efficiency of clinical medicine was improved by technologies such as artificial intelligence, the development in precision medicine was driven by omicstechnologies, and great breakthroughs were made in advanced therapeutic drugs. With the changing research focus in diseases such as oncology, neurological diseases and metabolic diseases, real world studies and the diversities in clinical research are attracting considerable attentions. The international organizations and regulators are providing more guidances and regulatory requirements on the ethical issues of new technologies. This article summarizes the main research advances and characteristics of global clinical medicine in 2022, and looks forward to the future prospects of clinical medicine and its transformation direction from "fragmented research" to "high-throughput research" to "customized research".

Communication Author:ZHANG Li-Wen , Email:zhangliwen@sinh.ac.cn HUANG Xin , Email:huangxin@cncbd.org.cn

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