
康如如 , 王汉杰*
天津大学生命科学学院,天津 300072

摘 要:

蛋白纳米区室(protein nanocompartments, PNCs) 这类天然的纳米颗粒集功能性强、生物相容性高、毒副作用小、生产成本低和来源广等多种优势于一体,被广泛地应用。随着合成生物学的不断发展和化学技术的持续进步,这类特殊结构可被适当改造,并在生物医学领域中发挥不可替代的作用。本文主要对蛋白纳米区室的类型及其重组生产系统的选择和优缺点、功能化的主要方法以及在生物医学方面的应用进行了综述。

通讯作者:王汉杰 , Email:wanghj@tju.edu.cn

Application of engineered natural protein nanocompartments in biomedicine
KANG Ru-Ru , WANG Han-Jie*
School of Life Sciences, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China


Natural protein nanocompartments (PNCs) combine various advantages such as high functionality, high biocompatibility, feeble toxicity, low production cost and wide availability. With the development of synthetic biology and chemical technology, these special structures can be suitably modified to play irreplaceable roles in biomedical field. This paper reviews the types of natural protein nanocompartments, the selection and advantages and disadvantages of recombinant production systems, the main methods of functionalization, and the application in

Communication Author:WANG Han-Jie , Email:wanghj@tju.edu.cn

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