
黄嘉雯 , 叶懂焕 , 庄中天 , 徐 洋 , 元 宇* , 翁锡全*
广州体育学院,广州 510500

摘 要:

胃饥饿素(ghrelin) 是一种促循环生长激素(GH) 释放和诱导食欲的脑肠肽,在被生长素释放肽O-酰基转移酶(Goat) 酰基化后,与生长激素促分泌素受体(GHS-R) 结合发挥多种生理作用,如作用于下丘脑弓状核发挥中枢促食欲作用,而外周的ghrelin 则促进糖异生和脂肪沉积。在机体的能量代谢过程中,ghrelin/Goat/GHS-R 系统对能量平衡发挥着重要的调节作用。研究发现,冷环境、运动和限食均能通过该系统调控能量代谢,但目前国内尚未见相关综述报道。本文梳理国内外相关研究报道,在综述ghrein、Goat和GHS-R 对调节能量平衡作用的基础上,介绍冷环境、运动和限食对ghrelin/Goat/GHS-R 系统的影响,并提出其介导能量平衡的可能机制,为在冷环境与限食条件下运动防治肥胖提供理论依据。

通讯作者:元 宇 , Email:yuanyumail@126.com 翁锡全 , Email:wengxq@gzsport.edu.cn

Research progress of cold environment, exercise and food restriction in regulating energy balance through ghrelin/Goat/GHS-R system
HUANG Jia-Wen , YE Dong-Huan , ZHUANG Zhong-Tian , XU Yang , YUAN Yu* , WENG Xi-Quan*
Guangzhou Sport University, Guangzhou 510500, China


Ghrelin is a brain gut peptide that promotes the release of circulating growth hormone (GH) and induces appetite. After acylation by growth hormone-releasing peptide ghrelin O-acyltransferase (Goat), ghrelin binds to growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) to play a variety of physiological roles. For example, it acts on the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus to effect the central appetite, while peripheral ghrelin can promote gluconeogenesis and fat deposition. In the process of energy metabolism, ghrelin/Goat/GHS-R system plays a crucial part in regulating energy balance. It is found that cold environment, exercise and food restriction can regulate energy metabolism through this system, but there is no relevant review report in China. In this paper, we review relevant domestic and foreign studies and the regulatory effects of ghrelin, Goat and GHS-R on regulating energy balance, introduce the effects of cold environment, exercise and food restriction on them, and propose the possible mechanism of this system in mediating energy balance, providing theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of obesity by exercise under cold environment and food restriction.

Communication Author:YUAN Yu , Email:yuanyumail@126.com WENG Xi-Quan , Email:wengxq@gzsport.edu.cn

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