
路明月1,2 , 车开萱1 , 杨俊超1 , 刘伊依1 , 邱俊强1,2,*
1北京体育大学,北京 100084 2北京体育大学运动营养北京市高等学校工程研究中心,北京 100084

摘 要:

限制性饮食(restriction diet, RD) 是一种被重点关注且已证明有效的抗衰老干预措施,可延长寿命、延缓衰老,并能减少和防止与年龄相关疾病的发生发展。RD 已从单纯的热量限制饮食扩展到多元领域,根据禁食时间、频率、营养成分、昼夜节律、介入年龄和性别等控制变量,延伸出限时饮食和限制蛋白质饮食,其可通过与热量限制饮食相似的代谢和分子适应机制达到类似的抗衰老效果并减少衰老生物标志物。mTOR、AMPK、胰岛素/IGF-1、SIRT 和FGF21 等关键信号通路之间相互作用构成了RD 复杂的代谢调控网络。此外,热量限制模拟物作为热量限制饮食的替代方法无需机体长期控制热量摄入,同样能达到抗衰老的作用。作为一种前景较好的健康老龄化策略,可通过分析RD 延长健康寿命的分子途径及RD 与运动等其他生活因素的相互作用,进行规模更大、时间更长的人体研究,使用个性化饮食方案确定个体如何通过优化饮食成分、摄入量及摄入时间来达到改善健康和延长寿命的最佳效果。因此,本文总结了RD 中热
量限制饮食、限时饮食和限制蛋白质饮食在对抗衰老方面的作用机制,以期为RD 在对抗衰老和健康促进方面的研究提供新的角度和思路。

通讯作者:邱俊强 , Email:qiujunqiang@bsu.edu.cn

Nutritional strategies to fight aging: restriction diet
LU Ming-Yue1,2 , CHE Kai-Xuan1 , YANG Jun-Chao1 , LIU Yi-Yi1 , QIU Jun-Qiang1,2,*
1Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China 2Beijing Sports Nutrition Engineering Research Center, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China


Restriction diet (RD) is an anti-aging intervention strategy that has been focused on and proven to prolong the lifespan, anti-aging, and reduce and prevent the risk and development of age-related diseases. RD has expanded from caloric restriction diets to diverse areas based on control variables such as fasting duration, frequency, nutritional composition, circadian rhythm, age at intervention, and gender. Time-restricted feeding and protein restriction diets have been confirmed to have similar effects and reduce biomarkers of aging compared with caloric restriction diets through the similar metabolic and molecular adaptation mechanisms. The interactions between crucial signaling pathways such as mTOR, AMPK, insulin/IGF-1, SIRT, and FGF21 constitute a complex metabolic regulatory network in RD. In addition, as an alternative to caloric restriction diets, caloric restriction mimetics can also achieve anti-aging effects without controlling calorie intake for a long time. As a promising strategy for healthy aging, more extensive and extended human studies can be conducted by analyzing the molecular pathways by which RD prolongs a healthy lifespan and the interaction of RD with other life factors such as exercise. Furthermore, personalized dietary regimens can be used to identify how individuals can achieve improved health and longevity by optimizing dietary composition, intake, and timing. Therefore, this article summarizes the mechanisms of caloric restriction diets, time-restricted feeding, and protein restriction diets in anti-aging, thus providing new perspectives and ideas for the research of RD in anti-aging and health promotion.

Communication Author:QIU Jun-Qiang , Email:qiujunqiang@bsu.edu.cn

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