
王家洁 , 杨祺颖 , 石 宏*
(昆明理工大学,灵长类转化医学研究院,省部共建非人灵长类生物医学国家重点实验室,昆明 650500

摘 要:

不孕症是当今影响人类生活和健康的三大主要疾病之一,中国最新的统计数据显示女性不孕症的发病率已高达18%。虽然已经发现了许多不孕症的潜在致病基因,但尚不清楚不孕症的分子机制以及致病通路。动物模型是研究人类疾病不可缺少的实验工具。非人灵长类动物(non-human primates, NHPs) 模型是与人亲缘性最高的动物模型,其中猕猴和食蟹猴是实验室最常用的非人灵长类动物模型,与人类约有95%以上的基因同源性,且与人类生殖特征、生殖周期等极其相似。相较于小鼠、大鼠等不能完全代表不孕症临床表型的模式生物来说,NHPs 模型是研究不孕症的最佳选择。该文就NHPs 模型在女性不孕症中的运用进行了总结,进一步对NHPs 模型的应用提出一些思考,望为生殖健康的相关研究提供参考。

通讯作者:石 宏 , Email:shih@lpbr.cn

The use of non-human primate models in female infertility research
WANG Jia-Jie , YANG Qi-Ying , SHI Hong*
Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China


Infertility is one of the three major diseases affecting the healthy life of human beings. The latest statistics in China showed that the incidence of female infertility had reached 18%. There were plentiful potential pathogenic genes for infertility, but the molecular mechanism and pathogenic pathway of infertility are still unclear. Animal models are indispensable experimental tools for studying human diseases. Non-human primates (NHPs) model is the animal model with the highest affinity with humans. Among them, rhesus macaques and cynomolgus monkeys are the most commonly used non-human primate models in the laboratory. Compared with humans, non-human primates have up to 95% gene homology, and their reproductive characteristics and reproductive cycles are similar to human’s. Compared with the mouse, rat, and other model organisms that cannot fully represent the clinical phenotype of human infertility, non-human primate models are the best choice for the study of infertility. This article summarized the application of non-human primate models in infertility, and further put forward some thoughts on the application of non-human primate models, hoping to provide references for related research on reproductive health.

Communication Author:SHI Hong , Email:shih@lpbr.cn

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