
李登銮 , 王 刚*
广州大学生命科学学院精准基因编辑工程中心,广州 510006

摘 要:

RNA 编辑指遗传信息转录后对RNA 核苷酸序列的改变,包括碱基替换、核苷酸的插入和删除等过程。RNA 编辑系统可分为基于CRISPR-Cas13 和非CRISPR-Cas13 RNA 编辑系统两种,该文分别阐述了两种系统的分子机制和编辑过程,并总结了新型RNA 编辑系统的优势、缺陷以及应用价值。

通讯作者:王 刚 , Email:wanggang.v@gzhu.edu.cn

Application of novel RNA editing tools in the research of animal gene functions
LI Deng-Luan , WANG Gang*
Precise Genome Engineering Center, School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China


RNA editing can be broadly defined as post-transcriptional modification of RNA nucleotide sequence, including base replacement, insertion and deletion. RNA editing systems can be divided into two kinds of RNA editing systems based on CRISPR-Cas13 included or not. This paper described the molecular mechanism and editing process of these two systems, and summarized the advantages, defects and application of the new RNA editing system.

Communication Author:WANG Gang , Email:wanggang.v@gzhu.edu.cn

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