
贾纯琰1,2 , 付绍印3 , 丽 春4,* , 张文广1,5,*
1内蒙古农业大学动物科学学院,内蒙古自治区动物遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室,呼和浩特 010018 2内蒙古农业大学职业技术学院,包头 014109 3内蒙古农牧业科学院,呼和浩特 010031 4内蒙古民族大学动物科技学院,通辽 028000 5内蒙古农业基因组大数据工程研究中心,呼和浩特 010000

摘 要:

褪黑素(melatonin, MT) 可促进山羊绒的生长,提高山羊绒的产量,增加养羊业的经济效益。本文阐述了哺乳动物皮肤中褪黑素的生物合成、代谢和功能,对褪黑素调控山羊绒生长的国内外研究进展进行了综述,对未来研究方向进行了展望,以期为绒山羊研究人员深入探索褪黑素促山羊绒生长的机理提供参考。

通讯作者:丽 春 , Email:lichun1985@126.com 张文广 , Email:atcgnmbi@aliyun.com

Biological function of melatonin in mammal skin and regulatory effect on cashmere growth
JIA Chun-Yan1,2 , FU Shao-Yin3 , LI Chun4,* , ZHANG Wen-Guang1,5,*
1Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China 2College of Vocational and Technical, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Baotou 014109, China 3Inner Mongolia Agricultural Research Institute, Hohhot 010031, China 4College of Animal Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, China 5Inner Mongolia Engineering Research Center of Genomic Big Data for Agriculture, Hohhot 010010, China


Melatonin can accelerate cashmere growth and raise cashmere yield, also increase economic benefit. In this review, we described the biosynthesis, metabolism and function of melatonin in mammal skin, reviewed the regulation of melatonin on cashmere growth, and prospected the future research direction, hoping to provide references for researchers to further explore the role of melatonin in promoting cashmere growth.

Communication Author:LI Chun , Email:lichun1985@126.com ZHANG Wen-Guang , Email:atcgnmbi@aliyun.com

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