
赵 敏 , 黄承浩*
厦门大学国家传染病诊断试剂与疫苗工程技术研究中心,厦门 361102

摘 要:

Warburg 效应表明肿瘤细胞利用有氧糖酵解获取能量。肿瘤细胞代谢异常改变,除了满足自身生长的需求,肿瘤细胞代谢改变也会调节免疫微环境中的各种免疫细胞的功能,以此促进肿瘤免疫逃逸。近年来越来越多的研究聚焦在肿瘤代谢上,以期望寻找更好的治疗肿瘤的方法和药物。本文对肿瘤代谢及代谢产物对微环境中的抗肿瘤免疫细胞和免疫抑制性细胞的影响进行综述,阐述了靶向肿瘤代谢在肿瘤治疗上的重要意义。

通讯作者:黄承浩 , Email:huangchenghao@xmu.edu.cn

The influence of tumor metabolism on immune cells
ZHAO Min , HUANG Cheng-Hao*
National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine Development in Infectious Diseases, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China


The Warburg effect indicates that tumor cells use aerobic glycolysis to acquire energy. There are some abnormal changes in metabolic pathways of tumor cells. Except satisfying the need of their own growth, changes in tumor metabolism can also regulate the function of immune cells thus promoting tumor immune escape. Now more and more studies focus on tumor metabolism to find better therapy and medicine. This review summarizes the influences of tumor metabolism on antitumor immune cells and immunosuppressive cells, and points that targeting tumor metabolism has great importance on tumor treatment.

Communication Author:HUANG Cheng-Hao , Email:huangchenghao@xmu.edu.cn

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