
陈志敏1 , 翁锡全1,* , 王朝格1,2 , 林宝璇3 , 黄嘉雯1 , 元 宇1,*
1广州体育学院,广州 510500 2上海体育学院,上海 200438 3武汉体育学院,武汉 430079

摘 要:

脂蛋白脂肪酶 (lipoprotein lipase, LPL) 是水解脂蛋白中甘油三酯的关键限速酶。血管生成素样蛋白(angiopoietin-like proteins, ANGPTLs) 中的成员ANGPTL3、4、8 被认为可通过调节LPL 的活性进而调控血脂代谢与脂质分布,而运动、冷暴露与饮食均能影响ANGPTLs。该文梳理相关文献发现,国内较少关于运动、冷暴露与饮食通过ANGPTLs 影响血脂代谢的相关研究报道,因此在综述ANGPTL3、4、8 在血脂代谢中的生理生化作用以及三者相互作用机制的基础上,介绍运动、冷暴露与饮食对它们的影响和ANGPTL3-4-8 模型。同时,提出运动、冷暴露与饮食通过ANGPTL3-4-8 模型改善血脂异常的可能机制,为冷暴露与限制饮食下运动改善血脂异常的机制研究提供方向,也为血脂异常的运动防治提供理论依据。

通讯作者:翁锡全 , Email:xqweng2003@163.com 元 宇 , Email:yuanyumail@126.com

Research progress of exercise, cold exposure and diet in regulating blood lipid metabolism by ANGPTL3-4-8 model
CHEN Zhi-Min1 , WENG Xi-Quan1,* , WANG Chao-Ge1,2 , LIN Bao-Xuan3 , HUANG Jia-Wen1 , YUAN Yu1,*
1Guangzhou Sport University, Guangzhou 510500, China 2Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China 3Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079, China


Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the key rate-limiting enzyme for the hydrolysis of triglycerides in lipoproteins. The members of angiopoietin-like proteins (ANGPTLs), ANGPTL3, 4, and 8, are considered to adjust the activity of LPL to regulate blood lipid metabolism and lipid distribution. And exercise, cold exposure, and diet can impact ANGPTLs. However, few domestic researches were reported on the effect of exercise, cold exposure and diet on blood lipid metabolism by ANGPTLs. This review introduces the effects of exercise, cold exposure and diet on ANGPTL3, 4 and 8 and the ANGPTL3-4-8 model, and possible mechanisms on their improvement of dyslipidemia and forward suggestions for further research are also discussed.

Communication Author:WENG Xi-Quan , Email:xqweng2003@163.com YUAN Yu , Email:yuanyumail@126.com

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