
孟小高1,2 , 彭广敦2,3,*
1中国科学技术大学,合肥 230026 2中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院细胞谱系与发育研究中心,广州 510530 3生物岛实验室细胞谱系中心,广州 510005

摘 要:

肺是呼吸系统中最重要的器官,承担气体交换功能。在肺的发育过程中,首先形成的是气道,包括气管、支气管、小支气管等结构;而后形成远端具有气体交换功能的肺泡结构。肺发育是一个复杂精细的过程,其发育起源及各细胞系间的异质性一直是数年来关注的重点。随着单细胞测序技术(single cell RNA sequencing, scRNA-seq) 的发展和其在肺及肺发育研究中的应用,肺中各类细胞的组成及新的细胞类型被鉴定出来。该文总结了单细胞测序技术对肺发育产生的新的观点和见解以及思考空间转录组技术的兴起将会对肺发育带来怎样深远的影响。

通讯作者:彭广敦 , Email:peng_guangdun@gibh.ac.cn

Study progress of scRNA-seq in the lung development
MENG Xiao-Gao1,2 , PENG Guang-Dun2,3,*
1University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 2Center for Cell Lineage and Development, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510530, China 3Center of Cell Lineage and Atlas, Bioland Laboratory, Guangzhou 510005, China


The lung is the most important organ in the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange. During lung development program, the conducting airways are formed first including trachea, bronchus and bronchioles, followed by the formation of the gas exchange area named alveolus. Lung development is a complicated and delicate process. Its developmental origin and heterogeneity of lung cell lineages have been a focus of research efforts for decades. Along the development of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and its application in lung and lung development, cellular composition and new cell types have been unbiased and robustly assessed in unprecedented ways. This review summarizes the new sights and understanding with scRNA-seq in the field of lung development and think about what effect will bring on lung development with the emergence of spatial transcriptomics.

Communication Author:PENG Guang-Dun , Email:peng_guangdun@gibh.ac.cn

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