
邓国英1 , 桑 彤2 , 杨淑凤1,*
1大连医科大学微生物学教研室,大连 116044 2大连医科大学临床医学(“5+3”一体化)专业2019级

摘 要:

多糖结合疫苗(glycoconjugate vaccines) 是指具有可变结构和数量的多糖单元与非糖单元( 蛋白质或短肽、脂类) 通过共价连接形成的疫苗,以蛋白质- 多糖结合疫苗为主。细菌的多糖结合疫苗通过直接免疫保护和群体免疫,显著减低了由细菌侵袭性感染所致的肺炎和脑膜炎的发病率和病死率。该文从组成和免疫机制、合成方法和面临的问题等方面重点论述了已上市的以及正处于临床试验阶段的几种细菌蛋白多糖疫苗,对细菌多糖结合疫苗的全面认识有助于设计更为合理的疫苗。


通讯作者:杨淑凤 , Email:shufengyang78@163.com

Recent progress in the field of bacterial polysaccharide conjugate vaccines
DENG Guo-Ying1 , SANG Tong2 , YANG Shu-Feng1,*
1Department of Microbiology, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China 22019 Grade, “5+3” Clinical medicine, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China


Glycoconjugate vaccines are the compounds which consist of carbohydrates of varying complexity and size, covalently linked to non-sugar moieties such as proteins, peptides, and lipids. Bacterial polysaccharide conjugate vaccines have markedly decreased the global morbidity and mortality caused by bacterial meningitis and pneumonia, through direct immunoprotection and herd immunity. This review focuses on compositions, vaccine‑induced immunity, synthetic methods, and characteristics of the several bacterial polysaccharide conjugate vaccines including licensed and being on trial.

Communication Author:YANG Shu-Feng , Email:shufengyang78@163.com

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