
王 菲 , 莫蓓莘* , 梁 超*
深圳大学生命与海洋科学学院,广东省植物表观遗传学重点实验室,深圳 518037

摘 要:

在高等植物中,不同种类的RNA 既可以通过胞间连丝在细胞与细胞之间移动,也可以通过韧皮部进行系统性长距离运输,从而调控植物的生长发育。RNA 的非细胞自主性使得其可以在合成它们的细胞之外起作用。具有非细胞自主性的RNA 分子可以作为移动信号来调节植物发育、营养分配、基因沉默等等一系列的生理过程。该文主要总结了近年来植物RNA 运输研究中的重要进展,介绍了各种类型的RNA分子通过韧皮部及胞间连丝运输来行使其相应生物学作用的机制,并对现今存在的关于RNA 运输的科学问题进行展望。

通讯作者:莫蓓莘 , Email:bmo@szu.edu.cn 梁 超 , Email:chaoliang@szu.edu.cn

RNA trafficking in plants
WANG Fei , MO Bei-Xin* , LIANG Chao*
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Plant Epigenetics, College of Life Sciences and Oceanography, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518037, China


In higher plants, different kinds of RNAs can be transported from cell to cell through plasmodesmata or systematically through phloem to regulate plant growth and development. Non-cellular autonomy of RNAs allows them to function outside the cells that synthesize them. RNA molecules with non-cellular autonomy can be used as mobile signals to regulate a series of physiological processes such as plant development, nutrient distribution, and gene silencing. In this article, we summarize the important progress of plant non-cellular autonomy in recent years, mainly introducing the mechanisms of the biological functions of RNA transport through phloem or plasmodesmata. Questions that remain to be answered in this field are discussed for future research.

Communication Author:MO Bei-Xin , Email:bmo@szu.edu.cn LIANG Chao , Email:chaoliang@szu.edu.cn

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