
吴柏乐* , 吴 迎
北京体育大学运动人体科学学院,北京 100091

摘 要:

细胞膜修复(plasma membrane repair, PMR) 对于维持细胞的完整性及胞内稳态至关重要,而骨骼肌细胞易受到机械应力和化学因素的刺激发生膜损伤,从而引起运动性骨骼肌损伤(exercise induced skeletal muscle damage, EIMD)。快速有效的细胞膜修复能够加速EIMD 的消除,促进运动员疲劳的恢复或辅助骨骼肌损伤的治疗。骨骼肌细胞膜修复缺陷也是造成肌营养不良症的主要原因。膜联蛋白(annexins, ANXs)是一类进化保守的多基因家族蛋白,它们广泛存在于真核生物中,其家族成员大多参与细胞膜修复过程,是一类重要的膜修复蛋白。该文对ANXs 家族的结构与功能、ANXs 在骨骼肌质膜损伤后的募集特点、肌细胞膜损伤后“修复帽”的形成及ANXs 在肌营养不良中的作用进行综述,梳理了ANXs 在骨骼肌细胞膜损伤后介导修复的理论模型及相关机制,为ANXs 在骨骼肌质膜修复及肌营养不良症治疗中的应用提供新思路。

通讯作者:吴柏乐 , Email:

Function and molecular mechanism of annexins in regulating plasma membrane repair of skeletal muscle cells
WU Bai-Le* , WU Ying
Beijing Sport University College of Sport Science, Beijing 100091, China


Plasma membrane repair (PMR) is essential to maintain cellular integrity and intracellular homeostasis, and skeletal muscle cells are susceptible to membrane damage from mechanical stress and chemical stimuli, resulting in exercise induced skeletal muscle damage (EIMD). Rapid and effective cell membrane repair can accelerate the elimination of EIMD and facilitate recovery from fatigue or assist in the treatment of skeletal muscle injury. Defective skeletal muscle cell membrane repair is also a major cause of muscular dystrophy. Annexins (ANXs) are a class of evolutionarily conserved multigene family proteins, which are widely found in eukaryotes. In this paper, we review the structure and function of ANXs family, the recruitment characteristics of ANXs after skeletal muscle membrane injury, the formation of "repair cap" after myocyte membrane injury and the role of ANXs in myotonic dystrophy, and sort out the theoretical model and related mechanisms of ANXs-mediated repair after skeletal muscle membrane injury. The theoretical model of ANXs-mediated repair in skeletal muscle cell membrane damage and the related mechanism are reviewed, which will provide new ideas for the application of ANXs in skeletal muscle membrane repair and treatment of myotonic dystrophy.

Communication Author:WU Bai-Le , Email:

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