
吴卫东 , 何玉秀*
河北师范大学体育学院,河北省人体运动生物信息测评重点实验室,石家庄 050021

摘 要:

脂代谢是心肌能量代谢网络的重要环节,其稳态的调控是心肌适应不同病理、生理状态的关键。运动是心肌脂代谢稳态的重要调节手段,大量研究发现miRNAs 参与其中。该文将综述细胞内与脂代谢相关miRNAs 的作用机制,阐释循环miRNAs 对一次性运动的反应和对长期规律性运动的适应,以及心肌miRNAs 表达对不同运动方式的适应,并探讨其可能机制,以期为运动调控心肌脂代谢的研究提供新思路。

通讯作者:何玉秀 , Email:shiohe@163.com

Research progress on the role of miRNAs in the exercise regulation for myocardial lipid metabolism 
WU Wei-Dong , HE Yu-Xiu*
Key Laboratory of Measurement and Evaluation in Exercise Bioinformation of Hebei Province, College of Physical Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050021, China


Lipid metabolism is an important part of the myocardial energy metabolic network, and its regulation of homeostasis is the key to the adaptation of myocardium to different pathological and physiological states. Exercise can regulate the lipid homeostasis in myocardium, and miRNAs have been found to be involved. A large number of miRNAs are closely related to lipid metabolism. In this review, we will review the mechanism of intracellular miRNAs involved in lipid metabolism, explain the response of circulating miRNAs to one-time exercise and the adaptation of long-term regular exercise, as well as the adaptation of myocardial miRNAs expression to different
exercise modes, and explore the possible mechanisms, in  order to provide new ideas for the study of exercise regulation of myocardial lipid metabolism.

Communication Author:HE Yu-Xiu , Email:shiohe@163.com

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