
吴嘉龙1,2 , 吴子昂1,2 , 钮晓音1,*
1上海交通大学医学院,上海市免疫学研究所,上海 200025 2上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院·口腔医学院,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,上海市口腔医学重点实验室,上海市口腔医学研究所,上海 200125

摘 要:

原发性干燥综合征(primary Sjögren’s syndrome, pSS) 是一种主要影响外分泌腺,导致从眼部( 干燥性角结膜炎)、口腔( 口干症)、皮肤( 干燥) 等的局部病症到全身性疾病,甚至淋巴瘤的系统性自身免疫病。传统的pSS 治疗方法包括局部对症治疗与使用免疫抑制剂等,但疗效不佳并伴随普遍的副作用。近年来,
靶向疗法成为治疗pSS 的新途径。该文聚焦于近年来应用于pSS 的靶向治疗药物,旨在总结不同类型药物的作用靶点和分子生物学机制及其临床效果( 已验证的和潜在的),为临床应用提供参考。

通讯作者:钮晓音 , Email:niuxiaoyin@163.com

Research progress on targeted therapies against primary Sjögren’s syndrome
WU Jia-Long1,2 , WU Zi-Ang1,2 , NIU Xiao-Yin1,*
1Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200025, China 2Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology & Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai 200125, China


Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease and mainly affects exocrine glands, leading to the symptoms varying form sicca symptoms as dryness of the eyes (keratoconjunctivis sicca), mouth (xerostomia) and skin, to systemic disease even to lymphoma. The traditional therapies, including managing dryness in topical and immunosuppressant, etc., are not satisfactory and also accompanied by general sideeffects. Recently, targeted therapy becomes a novel treatment for pSS. In this review, we will focus on the targeted therapies against pSS and the underlying mechanisms.

Communication Author:NIU Xiao-Yin , Email:niuxiaoyin@163.com

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