
郭佳帅 , 崔炎格 , 杨文静 , 关 鹏 , 宋艺鸣 , 左媛媛 , 常彦忠 , 于 鹏*
河北师范大学生命科学学院,铁代谢分子生物学实验室,河北省动物生理生化和分子生物学实验室,石家庄 050024

摘 要:

脑铁累积及其诱导的氧化应激加剧了帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD) 的发生发展。脑内星形胶质细胞存在区域异质性,PD 中脑多巴胺能神经元死亡与星形胶质细胞之间存在相关性。该文概述了星形胶质细胞,黑质铁代谢,以及星形胶质细胞铁代谢相关分子铁调节蛋白、铁调素和铜蓝蛋白在PD 发生发展中的作用,希望能为今后深入研究星形胶质细胞铁代谢、相关分子在PD 病理过程中的作用机制以及药物研发提供理论参考。

通讯作者:于 鹏 , Email:yupeng0311@163.com

Research progress on the role of astrocyte iron metabolism in the pathogenesis and progression of Parkinson’s disease and the underlying mechanisms
GUO Jia-Shuai , CUI Yan-Ge , YANG Wen-Jing , GUAN Peng , SONG Yi-Ming , ZUO Yuan-Yuan , CHANG Yan-Zhong , YU Peng*
Laboratory of Iron Metabolism, Key Laboratory of Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Hebei Province, College of Life Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China


Iron accumulation and its induced oxidative stress in the brain exacerbate the progression of Parkinson’s disease (PD). There is heterogeneity on types and functions of astrocytes in different regions of the brain. It has been reported that the death of dopaminergic neurons are closely related to the astrocytes and that their interaction plays important roles in the development of PD. In this review, we summarized the correlation between astrocytes and PD, the roles of iron metabolism in substantia nigra in PD, as well as the roles of iron metabolism related molecules including iron regulatory protein, Hepcidin and ceruloplasmin in the pathogenesis of PD, aiming to contribute to further studies focusing on the role of iron metabolism in astrocytes and related molecules in PD
pathogenesis, and provide theoretical references for further developing drugs to prevent and protect PD in clinic.

Communication Author:YU Peng , Email:yupeng0311@163.com

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