
黄紫弦1,2 , 王 霖1,2 , 黄益玲1,2,*
1三峡大学医学院肿瘤微环境与免疫治疗湖北省重点实验室,宜昌 443000 2三峡大学医学院病理学系,宜昌 443002

摘 要:

微小RNA (microRNA, miRNA) 是一种非编码的小分子RNA,广泛参与基因转录后调控,其表达或功能异常在肿瘤的发生发展中起重要作用。细胞凋亡是程序性死亡的一种形式,能有效地清除受损细胞。细胞凋亡的失调不仅与肿瘤的发生发展有关,而且与肿瘤对治疗的抵抗有关。微小RNA 可通过细胞凋亡经典通路( 包括线粒体凋亡通路、死亡受体凋亡通路、内质网应激凋亡通路) 发挥抗细胞凋亡或促细胞凋亡作用。该文主要对miRNA 在肿瘤中调控细胞凋亡的相关研究进展作一综述 。

通讯作者:黄益玲 , Email:lotusyj@126.com

Research progress in microRNA regulation of apoptosis in tumors
HUANG Zi-Xian1,2 , WANG Lin1,2 , HUANG Yi-Ling1,2,*
1Hubei Key Laboratory of Tumor Microenvironment and Immunotherapy, Medical College, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 2Department of Pathology, Medical College, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, which are widely involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of genes. Both the expression level and function abnormalities of miRNAs play important roles in tumor development and progression. As a form of programmed cell death, apoptosis effectively eliminates abnormal or damaged cells that may be cancerous. Therefore, apoptosis disorders not only may lead to tumor development and progression, but also are associated with treatment resistance. MiRNAs may exhibit anti-apoptotic or pro-apoptotic effects through different influences on classical apoptosis pathways, including mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, death receptor apoptotic pathway, and endoplasmic reticulum stress apoptotic pathway. This article mainly reviewed the research progress of miRNA in regulating tumor apoptosis.

Communication Author:HUANG Yi-Ling , Email:lotusyj@126.com

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