
刘 冉 , 王华林 , 李 炬 , 赵旭东 , 侯莉娟*
北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京 100875

摘 要:

随着全球老龄化趋势的加剧,阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD) 成为影响老年人健康的主要神经退行性疾病。小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统固有的免疫细胞,但被异常激活释放炎症因子时,将加剧认知功能衰退。研究表明,运动可能通过调节小胶质细胞活化及表型,增加其抗炎因子释放,清除Aβ 沉积,减少神经纤维缠结,延缓AD 病发,因此,小胶质细胞表型的稳态调节可能是治疗神经退行性疾病的有效途径。该文将探讨运动调节小胶质细胞活化及表型的可能机制,总结不同运动项目、干预时间、运动强度调节小胶质细胞动态变化从而延缓AD 的研究进展,为运动干预神经系统退行性疾病提供理论支持。

通讯作者:侯莉娟 , Email:houlj@bnu.edu.cn

Research progress on the role of microglia activation in exercise intervention in AD
LIU Ran , WANG Hua-Lin , LI Ju , ZHAO Xu-Dong , HOU Li-Juan*
School of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China


With the aggravation of global aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been becoming a major
neurodegenerative disease affecting human health. Microglia are inherent immune cells in the central nervous system, When they are abnormally activated to release inflammatory cytokines, they will exacerbate cognitive decline. Studies have shown that exercise may regulate microglia activation and phenotype to increase the release of anti-inflammatory factors, clear Aβ deposition, reduce neuro fibrillary tangles and delay the onset of AD. So restoring phenotypic homeostasis of microglia maybe the effective way to treat neurodegenerative diseases. This article will discuss the possible mechanism of exercise regulating microglia activation and phenotype, summarize the different exercise items, intervention time, and exercise intensity to adjust the dynamic changes of microglia to delay AD, and provide theoretical support for exercise intervention in degenerative diseases of the nervous system.

Communication Author:HOU Li-Juan , Email:houlj@bnu.edu.cn

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