
宗博艺1,2 , 李 琳1,2,* , 李世昌1,2 , 孙 朋1,2
1华东师范大学 “青少年健康评价与运动干预”教育部重点实验室, 上海 200241 2华东师范大学体育与健康学院,上海 200241

摘 要:

:既往的研究中,乳酸一直被认为是细胞糖酵解产生的代谢废物。然而,近年的研究表明,乳酸可作为重要的能量代谢底物和信号分子影响多组织器官的生理进程,其运输载体单羧酸转运体及受体G 蛋白偶联受体81 可能在神经保护过程中发挥关键作用。在中枢神经系统内,乳酸可作用于多种细胞如神经元、星形胶质细胞、小胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞和血管内皮细胞等,参与改善脑能量代谢,增强神经发生,提高突触可塑性,降低神经炎症,缓解神经毒性,促使髓鞘再生,进而影响个体认知功能。适宜的运动有利于脑健康,但运动能否通过调节乳酸及相关生物学机制改善认知功能未见详尽报道。该文通过分析运动如何调控乳酸及其运输载体和受体的生理水平,以及乳酸如何调节认知功能,探讨乳酸作为运动改善认知功能中介分子的可能性,为借助运动疗法缓解认知衰退的相关疾病提供理论支持。

通讯作者:李 琳 , Email:Lilin.xtt@163.com

Lactate——the star molecule of exercise improving cognitive function
ZONG Bo-Yi1,2 , LI Lin1,2,* , LI Shi-Chang1,2 , SUN Peng1,2
1Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention of Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China 2College of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)


In previous studies, lactate has been considered as a metabolic waste produced by cellular glycolysis. However, recent studies have shown that lactate, as an important energy metabolism substrate and signal molecule, affects the physiological process of multiple tissues and organs, and its transporter monocarboxylate transporter and receptor G protein coupled receptor 81 may play a crucial regulatory role in the process of neuroprotection. In the central nervous system, lactate could act on a variety of cells, such as neuron, astrocyte, microglia, oligodendrocyte and vascular endothelial cell, to improve energy metabolism in the brain, enhance neurogenesis, improve synaptic plasticity, reduce neuroinflammation, alleviate neurotoxicity and promote myelin regeneration, and then affect individual cognitive function. Appropriate exercise is beneficial to brain health, but whether exercise can improve cognitive function by regulating lactate and its related biological basis has not been reported in detail. By analyzing how exercise regulates the physiological level of lactate and its transport carriers and receptor, and how lactate regulate cognitive function, to explore the possibility of lactate as a intermediary molecule for exercise to improve cognitive function, so as to provide theoretical support for delaying cognitive decline related diseases with exercise therapy.

Communication Author:LI Lin , Email:Lilin.xtt@163.com

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