
西华师范大学生命科学学院,西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室,南充 637

摘 要:

植物通过细胞表面的模式识别受体(PRRs) 识别病原相关分子模式(PAMPs),启动植物免疫的第一道防线(PTI)。拟南芥FLS2 是第一个被发现的植物PRR,近年来围绕FLS2 开展了大量的工作,相关研究成果已成为植物与病原微生物互作的重要理论基础。在真核细胞中,细胞膜受体从产生到降解经过了一系列的胞内运输过程,膜受体的胞内转运与其功能调节密切相关。研究表明,FLS2 的胞内运输在其介导的免疫过程中起重要作用。该文综述了FLS2 向细胞膜运输及在细胞膜超微区中的定位、FLS2 的内吞,以及选择性自噬和泛素- 蛋白酶体系统对FLS2 的降解等,并分析了该领域今后研究的主要内容和方向。

通讯作者:刘沁松 , Email:qinsongliu@126.com

Intracellular trafficking of the plant immune receptor FLS2
LIU Qin-Song*
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation, College of Life Science, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009, China


Cell surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) sense microbes through perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to trigger the first layer of immunity (PTI). In plants, the first characterized PRR is Arabidopsis FLS2. During recent years, extensive studies on FLS2 have significantly advanced our understanding of plant-pathogen interactions. In eukaryotic cells, cell surface-localized receptors undergo subcellular trafficking from synthesis to degradation, and receptor trafficking processes are implicated in the regulation of receptor function. Accumulating evidence suggests that intracellular trafficking of FLS2 plays critical roles in FLS2-mediated immune signaling. Therefore, this review summarizes recent progress on FLS2 secretion, localization of FLS2 in plasma membrane nanodomains, FLS2 endocytosis, as well as FLS2 degradation via selective autophagy and ubiquitin-proteasome system, and discusses key questions for future research.

Communication Author:LIU Qin-Song , Email:qinsongliu@126.com

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