
杨斯琦 , 卜 云*
上海科技馆上海自然博物馆自然史研究中心,上海 200041

摘 要:

毛马陆目是一类体型微小、形态特殊、生活在地表或土壤中的节肢动物。目前全世界已知176 种,隶属3 科32 属,包括11 个化石记录种。其中欧洲、美洲和澳洲有较多的研究报道,亚洲和非洲仅有零星的记录。中国毛马陆目的研究十分匮乏,目前仅记录10 种。研究表明,毛马陆目是倍足纲系统发育树中最基部的类群,得到形态学和分子数据的支持,但其内部各科、属的单系性以及各科之间的系统发育关系尚存在争议。现对毛马陆自1758 年林奈(Linnaeus) 首次记录至今的文献进行梳理和回顾,归纳毛马陆目已知科、属及其地理分布,整理化石记录,列举对毛马陆目分类研究做出重要贡献的学者及其研究区域,翻译给出各科、属的中文名称,从经典分类学和系统发育两个方面对毛马陆目的系统学研究进展进行综述,以期推动中国毛马陆目系统学研究的开展。

通讯作者:卜 云 , Email:buy@sstm.org.cn

Progress on the systematic study of Polyxenida
YANG Si-Qi , BU Yun*
Natural History Research Center, Shanghai Natural History Museum, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, Shanghai 200041, China


Polyxenida is a group of tiny arthropods with special morphology and living on the surface or in the soil. Totally 176 species with 11 fossils of Polyxenida are described in the world which are belonging to 3 families and 32 genera. Previously studies are concentrated on the fauna of Europe, America, and Australia and most of species are recorded in those areas, while only a few records in Asia and Africa. The research of Polyxenida in China is fairly insufficient with only 10 species recorded. Studies based on morphology and molecular data both support the basal position of Polyxenida in Diplopoda phylogeny. However, the monophyly of families and genera of Polyxenida, as well as the phylogenetic relationships among different families and genera are still controversial. The present article retrospect all references of Polyxenida since its first record in 1758 by Linnaeus, outlined the families and genera of Polyxenida in the world and their distributions, summarized the fossil records, listed the researchers contributed most and their study areas, translated the Chinese names of all families and genera of Polyxenida. The recent progresses of systematic study of Polyxenida are summarized comprehensively from the aspects of taxonomy and phylogeny in order to drive the study of Polyxenida of China in the future.

Communication Author:BU Yun , Email:buy@sstm.org.cn

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