
吴科比1,2 , 周 进2 , 蔡中华2,*
1清华大学生命科学学院,北京 100084 2清华大学深圳国际研究生院海洋工程研究院,深圳 518055

摘 要:

藻际环境是以藻类分泌物为骨架构成的微型生态结构,包含多样的生物和非生物,主要是微生物、胞外多糖、蛋白质和核酸等物质。藻际环境为复杂的藻菌互动提供平台,也为藻际系统的物质代谢、能量流动和信息交流提供基础。藻际环境不仅可以形成特殊的生态位,而且藻菌作用对多种生源要素循环起到了关键的作用;同时,藻际多糖的沉降为碳封存做出了重要贡献;再者,藻类在应激的时候,可以通过藻际环境形成对种群的保护。基于藻际环境结构和功能多样化的特点,解析其中的生态过程,对未来阐释生态现象的发生( 如藻华) 和生态修复都具有重要意义。该文综述了藻际环境的特性、影响因素和功能,旨在更好地认识藻际生态位,为藻类系统生态学发展提供理论依据。

通讯作者:蔡中华 , Email:caizh@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

Review of algal phycosphere: structure and ecological function
WU Ke-Bi1,2 , ZHOU Jin2 , CAI Zhong-Hua2,*
1School of Life Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2Ocean Engineering Research Institute, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China


The algal phycosphere is a microenvironment with a scaffolding made up of algal secretions, mainly composed of diverse biotic and abiotic matter, including symbiotic microorganisms, extracellular polysaccharide, proteins, nucleic acid, etc. While the algal phycosphere provides a niche for complex algal-bacteria interaction, it also contributes to material cycling, energy flow, and information exchange. In addition to its role in forming a unique ecological niche, the interactive relationship between algae and associated microorganisms underpins the biogenic element cycle, as well as the carbon cycle. For example, the precipitation of algal exocellular polysaccharides largely contributes to the carbon sink of the sediment. Furthermore, when under stress, the algal phycosphere can function as a protective barrier for cells. Due to the characteristics of the algal phycosphere, it is of great significance for research on ecological phenomena (such as algal bloom) and future ecological restoration practices. This review summarizes the algal phycospheres characteristics, influencing factors, and functions in order to offer a comprehensive understanding of its niche ecological position and a theoretical reference for advancement to be made in the study of algae-based ecology.

Communication Author:CAI Zhong-Hua , Email:caizh@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

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