
路小超 , 宗如月 , 罗新鹏 , 赵同军*
河北工业大学理学院生物物理研究所,天津 300401

摘 要:

恶性肿瘤的浸润转移是肿瘤恶变的主要表现形式之一,而上皮间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EMT)是造成肿瘤浸润转移的重要机制。肿瘤细胞通过EMT获得迁移性,进而从原发灶脱离进入血液,随血液循环流动,然后从血管溢出并定植,形成转移灶。EMT的发生与分布在肿瘤周围的基质细胞


通讯作者:赵同军 , Email:zhaotj66@126.com

Research progress on the role of stromal cell-regulated EMT in tumor invasion and metastasis
LU Xiao-Chao , ZONG Ru-Yue , LUO Xin-Peng , ZHAO Tong-Jun*
Institute of Biophysics, School of Science, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China


Invasion and metastasis of malignant tumor is one of the main manifestations of malignant transformation, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an important mechanism that causes tumor infiltration and metastasis. After acquiring migration through EMT, tumor cells can detach from the primary foci into the blood and flow with the blood circulation. By overflowing from the blood vessels, the tumor cells finally colonize the distant organs and form new metastases. The occurrence of EMT is closely related to the stromal cells distributed around the tumor and is regulated by various cytokines secreted by the stromal cells. In this article, recent studies on the role of stromal cell-regulated EMT in tumor invasion and metastasis are reviewed and the effects of various stromal cells on EMT induction were discussed. Our discussions mainly focused on the relationship between EMT and the types of stromal cells that have a greater impact on EMT process in the tumor microenvironment.

Communication Author:ZHAO Tong-Jun , Email:zhaotj66@126.com

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