
项 鹏 , 郭 柳 , 曾 燕 , 陈雨珊*
武汉科技大学医学院,脑科学先进技术研究院,武汉 430065

摘 要:


通讯作者:陈雨珊 , Email:yschen0101@126.com

The role of Wnt signaling in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory
XIANG Peng , GUO Liu , ZENG Yan , CHEN Yu-Shan*
Brain Science and Advanced Technology Institute, Medical College, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, China


Wnt signaling pathway has been shown to be closely related to brain development and the maturation of central nervous system. It is involved in the synaptic regulation and remodeling, which plays a critical role in

synaptic plasticity and learning memory. This article  reviews the role of Wnt signaling in synaptic structure and function, the relationship between Wnt signaling and establishment and maintain of synaptic structure and

neurological function, and its important role in synaptic remodeling and stabilization of learning and memory. Deep insight into Wnt signaling pathway helps us to understand the structural mechanism of learning memory, providing new strategies for the therapy of memory disorders.

Communication Author:CHEN Yu-Shan , Email:yschen0101@126.com

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