
张小雨 , 高 源 , 齐 云*
中国医学科学院北京协和医学院药用植物研究所,北京 100193

摘 要:

代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)是由代谢紊乱引发的一系列病理状况,如肥胖、2型糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化和非酒精性脂肪性肝病等。研究表明,代谢性炎症与胰岛素抵抗有着密切而复杂的联系,在MS的发生与发展中起到重要的作用。针对代谢性炎症信号通路进行研究,可为代谢性疾病的防治提供新思路。该文综述了代谢性炎症在MS中发挥的作用及控制炎症在治疗代谢性疾病方面的效果。

通讯作者:齐 云 , Email:

The role of metaflammation in metabolic syndrome
ZHANG Xiao-Yu , GAO Yuan , QI Yun*
Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100193, China


Metabolic syndrome contains a series of diseases associated with metabolic dysfunction, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, etc. Previous studies showed that metaflammation was inseparably associated with insulin resistance and played an important role in the  athological process of MS. The mechanism on the metaflammation signaling may provide novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of MS. The present article reviewed the role of metaflammation in metabolic syndrome and summarized the effect of controlling the inflammation on the treatment of metabolic diseases.

Communication Author:QI Yun , Email:

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