
杨书平 , 郭 利 , 翟会艳 , 柴玉荣*
(郑州大学基础医学院组织学与胚胎学系,郑州 450001)

摘 要:


通讯作者:柴玉荣 ,

Aire and its role in the development of thymic epithelial cells and immune tolerance
YANG Shu-Ping , GUO Li , ZHAI Hui-Yan , CHAI Yu-Rong*
(Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China)


Thymus is the main lymphoid organ which supports T cell development and selection. Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) provide necessary microenvironment for the development and maturation of T cells. Aire plays an important role in the development of TECs. It coordinates the negative selection of thymocytes by inducing the expression of hundreds of tissue-specific antigens in thymic medulla. This paper reviews the structure, function and regulation of Aire, and its role in the development of thymic epithelial cells and immune tolerance.

Communication Author:CHAI Yu-Rong ,

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