
王夏爽 , 吴 迪 , 吴芬芳*
北京中医药大学深圳医院,深圳 518000

摘 要:


通讯作者:吴芬芳 , Email:wufenfang19@126.com

Research progress on regulation of gallbladder development
WANG Xia-Shuang , WU Di , WU Fen-Fang*
Shenzhen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Shenzhen 518000, China


Gallbladder is a cystic structure responsible for the storage, concentration and excretion of bile in the extra-hepatic biliary system. The abnormal development or dysfunction of gallbladder can lead to sclerosing cholangitis, biliary atresia and other diseases, resulting in excessive cholestasis and liver injury. A thorough understanding of gallbladder development plays an important role in foundational research, pathology of extrahepatic biliary diseases and formulation and improvement of related therapeutic strategies, however, few researches and reviews on gallbladder development have been reported. This review focuses on the formation of extra-hepatic bile duct in early embryonic development, elaborates the key signals and related molecules involved in gallbladder development, and provides a systematic guidance and reference for developmental research, pathological analysis and drug development.

Communication Author:WU Fen-Fang , Email:wufenfang19@126.com

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