
贾 浩1 , 宋寅平1 , 滑艺杰1 , 李贯文2 , 马 美1 , 陈 伟1 , 王友华1,*
1陕西师范大学体育学院,西安 710119 2西北民族大学体育学院,兰州 730000

摘 要:


通讯作者:王友华 , Email:wangyouh@snnu.edu.cn

Research progress of myocardial hypertrophy improvement by aerobic exercise-regulated mitochondrial quality control
JIA Hao1 , SONG Yin-Ping1 , HUA Yi-Jie1 , LI Guan-Wen2 , MA Mei1 , CHEN Wei1 , WANG You-Hua1,*
1Department of Physical Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China 2Department of Physical Education, Northwest University for Nationalities, Lanzhou 730000, China


Cardiac hypertrophy is a compensation for the increased demands of heart work output caused by various biomechanical and pathophysiological stimuli. Studies have shown that mitochondria play an important role
in the occurrence and development of cardiac hypertrophy. Mitochondrial kinetic disorders, insufficient mitochondrial autophagy, and weakened mitochondrial biogenesis make cardiac hypertrophy further develop into heart failure. Aerobic exercise as a non-pharmacological intervention to effectively improve cardiac hypertrophy can inhibit the pathological development of cardiac hypertrophy by regulating mitochondrial quality control, improving mitochondrial division, fusion, autophagy, etc. This article reviews the molecular mechanism and research progress of cardiac hypertrophy in recent years, and further discusses the molecular mechanisms of improving cardiac function by aerobic exercise, and intends to provide new ideas and theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of cardiac hypertrophy.

Communication Author:WANG You-Hua , Email:wangyouh@snnu.edu.cn

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