
陈茜茜 , 龙健儿*
复旦大学上海医学院病原生物学系,上海 200032

摘 要:

人肠道病毒(human enterovirus, HEV)感染引发多种人类疾病,严重影响人类健康。尽管肠道病毒基因组很小,但却调控着许多宿主细胞蛋白的表达和功能,从而实现病毒的快速复制和传播。肠道病毒感染致病的分子机制目前还不完全清楚,但肠道病毒编码的蛋白酶在此过程中起重要作用。该文主要概述了肠道病毒蛋白酶在病毒复制中的作用,并简要介绍了这些蛋白酶如何调节靶细胞以促进病毒复制和逃避细胞免疫应答。这有利于理解肠道病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用,并为发现新的抗病毒靶点提供思考和依据。

通讯作者:龙健儿 , Email:longjianer@fudan.edu.cn

Research progress in the structure and function of enterovirus protease
CHEN Xi-Xi , LONG Jian-Er*
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China


Human enterovirus (HEV) infection can cause a variety of human diseases. Enterovirus genome is small, which regulates expression of many host cell genes and protein function, thereby achieving the rapid replication and viral transmission. Though the detail mechanism of enteroviral pathogenesis is unknown, viral proteases play an important role in this process. In this review, we summarize the role of enterovirus proteases in the viral replication, and briefly review how these proteases regulate target cells to promote the viral replication and evade the cellular immune responses. It would be helpful to understand the interaction between enterovirus and the host cells, and provide an insight into the discovery of new antivirals.

Communication Author:LONG Jian-Er , Email:longjianer@fudan.edu.cn

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