
曾馨怡1 , 赵旭东1 , 马 婧2 , 李佳欣1 , 侯莉娟1,*
1北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京 100875 2国家体育总局体育科学研究所,北京 100061

摘 要:

纹状体是运动调控的关键组成部分,对机体运动控制发挥重要作用。腺苷A2A 受体(adenosine A2A receptor, A2AR) 与多巴胺D2 受体(dopamine D2 receptor, D2DR) 在纹状体投射到苍白球的神经元中高度共表达,形成的A2AR/D2DR 异聚体具有拮抗效应,共同调节纹状体接收到的谷氨酸能和多巴胺能投射,通过改变纹状体神经元的活性,控制投射向下级核团的GABA 能输出,调节基底神经节直接通路和间接通路的平衡,最终对运动产生影响。A2AR/D2DR 在细胞水平以及行为水平上的拮抗效应,为其在运动疲劳和帕金森病的运动功能改善上提供了新的靶点。该文将对A2AR/D2DR 拮抗效应在运动功能调节中的研究进行综述,为后期研究运动的中枢干预靶点提供新的可能性。

通讯作者:侯莉娟 , Email:houlj@bnu.edu.cn

Review on A2AR/D2DR antagonistic effect in regulation of motor function in striatum
ZENG Xin-Yi1 , ZHAO Xu-Dong1 , MA Jing2 , LI Jia-Xin1 , HOU Li-Juan1,*
1School of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 2China Institute of Sport Science, Beijing 100061, China


The striatum is a key component of motor regulation and plays an important role in motor control. Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) and dopamine D2 receptor (D2DR) are highly co-expressed in the striatopallidal neuron. The formed A2AR/D2DR heteromerization has an antagonistic effect, and together regulates the glutamatergic and dopaminergic projections received by the striatum. By changing the activity of the striatal neurons, they control the GABAergic projected to the lower nucleus, adjust the balance between the direct pathway and the indirect pathway, and ultimately affect the movement. Antagonistic effects of A2AR/D2DR at the cellular and behavioral levels provide new targets for improving motor function in exercise fatigue and Parkinson's disease. This article reviewed the research on A2AR/D2DR antagonistic effects in the regulation of motor function, and provided new possibilities for future research on targeted interventions in the center of exercise.

Communication Author:HOU Li-Juan , Email:houlj@bnu.edu.cn

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