
陈 珺 , 黄承浩*
厦门大学国家传染病诊断试剂与疫苗工程技术研究中心,厦门 361102

摘 要:


通讯作者:黄承浩 , Email:huangchenghao@xmu.edu.cn

Progress in oncolytic virotherapy for the treatment of glioma
CHEN Jun , HUANG Cheng-Hao*
National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine Development in Infectious Diseases, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China


Glioma is a primary brain tumor with strong proliferation capacity and high recurrence rate. It has a
dismal outcome despite the use of traditional treatments including surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Thus, there is an urgent need for effective therapies for patients with glioma. Oncolytic virus is an immunotherapy method, which has the advantages of strong targeting, significant oncolytic effect and low side effects. Recently, oncolytic virotherapy has achieved some breakthrough in treating glioma, its safety and efficacy have been proved. This article mainly introduces the results of preclinical experiments and clinical trials of oncolytic virus monotherapy and its combination with other treatments like radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy in recent years, and discusses the problems existing at this stage and the future research directions of glioma by oncolytic virus therapy.

Communication Author:HUANG Cheng-Hao , Email:huangchenghao@xmu.edu.cn

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