
张昱佳 , 钱友坤 , 朱一成 , 戴雪瑜 , 李 斌*
上海交通大学医学院,上海市免疫学研究所,上海 200025

摘 要:

FOXP3+ 调节性T 细胞(FOXP3+Tregs) 是一类具有免疫抑制等调节作用的CD4+T 淋巴细胞亚群,其正常生理功能对人体免疫稳态的维持不可或缺。基于免疫疗法的临床需求,越来越多研究着眼于深入理解FOXP3+Treg 在局部组织炎症条件下的功能紊乱及其相关分子机理。现将系统阐述近年来有关FOXP3+Treg生理功能及其调控机制的研究新进展,重点聚焦在多种非感染性炎症疾病,如自身免疫性疾病、免疫代谢性疾病、神经退行性疾病中,FOXP3+Treg 功能稳定性及组织特异性的分子机理及其潜在干预新靶点和新策略。

通讯作者:李 斌 ,

FOXP3+ regulatory T cells in non-infectious inflammatory disease
ZHANG Yu-Jia , QIAN You-Kun , ZHU Yi-Cheng , DAI Xue-Yu , LI Bin*
Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China


FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (FOXP3+Tregs) are a subgroup of CD4+T lymphocytes with immunosuppressive effects, whose plasticity is crucial to the maintenance of immune homeostasis. Based on the clinical needs of immunotherapy, more and more researches are focusing on the in-depth understanding of the dysfunction of FOXP3+Tregs in local tissue inflammation and their related molecular mechanisms. In this review, we will systematically elaborate the recent advances in physiological functions and regulatory mechanisms of FOXP3+ Tregs. We will focus on a variety of non-infectious inflammatory disease, including autoimmune disease, immune metabolic disease and neurodegenerative disease, exploring the potential therapeutic targets as well as strategies.

Communication Author:LI Bin ,

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