
肖 文1,2,3,*
1大理大学东喜玛拉雅研究院,大理 671003 2国际生物多样性与灵长类保护中心, 大理 671003 3中国三江并流区域生物多样性协同创新中心,大理 671003

摘 要:

该文使用文献计量学方法,分析了中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 和Web of Science (WOS) 两个数据库中中国灵长类文献的特征。结果表明,行为、进化和保护是当前中国灵长类研究的主要方向;中英文文献中,猕猴和仰鼻猴都是研究最多的类群,其中普通猕猴、金仰鼻猴和黑白仰鼻猴的研究成果最多;与类群相对应,秦岭、太行山、神农架和云南是主要的研究地点;从WOS 数据库看,灵长类的研究成果体现了很好的国内外机构合作态势,但从CNKI 数据库看,国内机构合作还有待加强。未来中国灵长类学发展建议着重以下几个方面:一致化物种中文命名,促进保护和提升研究影响;创新研究方法,开展长期生态监测,覆盖更多物种;加强野外调查,完善中国灵长类多样性和保护信息;加强合作研究。

通讯作者:肖 文 ,

Bibliometric analysis and perspective on primatology of China
XIAO Wen1,2,3,*
1Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research, Dali University, Dali 671003, China 2International Centre of Biodiversity and Primate Conservation, Dali University, Dali 671003, China 3Collaborative Innovation Center for Biodiversity and Conservation in the Three Parallel Rivers Region of China, Dali 671003, China


Literatures from Chinese academic journal full-text database (CNKI) and Web of Science (WOS) on China primatological study were analyzed using bibliometrics in this paper. I found that macaques and snub-nosed monkeys are studied mostly, especially on Rhesus macaque, golden snub-nosed monkey and black-and-white snub-nosed monkey. Behavior, evolution and conservation are main topics; Qinling, Yunnan, Taihangshan and Shengnongjia are key study sites in China primatological studies. International cooperation on China primatological studies goes well;however, cooperation inside China can be improved. Following suggestions should be paid attention to in the future development of primatology in China. Firstly, it is necessary to unify name species’ name, especially in Chinese, for the sake of efficient conservation and broadcast of studies. Secondly, method innovation, long term ecological monitoring and better coverage on more primate species are needed. Thirdly, it is necessary to strengthen field investigation and improve primate diversity and conservation information in China. Finally,
cooperation needs to be strengthened, especially among Chinese organizations.

Communication Author:XIAO Wen ,

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