《生命科学》 2020, 32(7): 683-691
摘 要:
生物钟是机体统筹并协调行为、生理,及生化等过程,确保机体符合每天24 小时日夜循环规律的计时机制。外界环境与机体内部生物钟的不同步与失调经常会对健康造成有害的后果。许多动物模型的验证指出生物钟打乱会导致肿瘤、代谢疾病,以及神经退行性疾病的发生。生物钟紊乱与衰老慢病的显著关联提示了生物节律相关干预对多种疾病极具应用潜力,而这些转化应用与发展在老龄化人口快速增长的同时显得更为迫切。由于小鼠与人在代谢速率与认知行为等方面存在极大差异,发展并研究昼行性的非人灵长类模型对节律紊乱相关慢病的干预与临床转化极为重要,同时有助于对时间生物学的进一步理解。
通讯作者:张洪钧 , Email:hcchang@ion.ac.cn
Circadian clocks are timekeeping mechanisms that coordinate behavioral, physiological, and biochemical processes in living organism into a near 24-hour day/night cycle. Misalignment between the external environment and the internal clock is often associated with adverse fitness consequences in living organisms, as have been demonstrated in various animal models that circadian disruptions can lead to cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders. The evident connection between circadian dysfunction and age-related chronic diseases highlights the value of designing circadian-related interventions for multiple disease areas, as meets the imperative needs to act on growing aging population. Due to significant metabolic and cognitive behavioral differences between rodent and human, employing non-human primate as a diurnal model beyond nocturnal rodent appears to be important and essential to achieve translational goals in treating circadian-related ailments, at the same time makes contributions to Circadian Biology.
Communication Author:CHANG Hung-Chun , Email:hcchang@ion.ac.cn