
张雁慧1,田晓红1,闫鑫竹1,敖 强1,2*
(1 中国医科大学公共基础学院组织工程学教研室,沈阳110001;2 四川大学医疗器械监管科学研究院,国家生物医学材料工程研究中心,成都 610065)

摘 要:

摘 要:阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease, AD) 是一种年龄相关的神经退行性疾病,发病机制尚不明确。多项研究表明,PM2.5可能是增加AD患病风险的潜在因素。PM2.5风险是可预防的,因此阐明PM2.5与AD之间的联系及关键作用机制,对AD的防治具有重要意义。现系统阐述PM2.5与AD发病之间的流行病学及解剖学证据,并总结PM2.5诱发AD的潜在机制,包括血脑屏障通透性改变、神经炎症、Aβ沉积及Tau蛋白过度磷酸化、线粒体功能障碍及氧化应激、神经毒性、表观遗传以及脑- 肠轴等,为更好地理解PM2.5与AD之间的关系提供参考。

Effect and mechanism of PM2.5 on Alzheimer’s disease
Zhang Yan-Hui1, Tian Xiao-Hong1, Yan Xin-Zhu1, Ao Qiang1,2*
(1 Department of Tissue Engineering, School of Fundamental Science, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China; 2 National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials, Institute of Regulatory Science for Medical Device, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China)


Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology. Several studies have shown that PM2.5 may be a potential factor which increases the risk of AD. PM2.5 is a preventable environmental factor, so it is of great significance to clarify the relationship and key mechanism between PM2.5 and AD. This review collected the epidemiological and anatomical evidence between PM2.5 and AD, and discussed the potential mechanism of PM2.5-induced AD, including the changes of blood-brain barrier permeability, neuroinflammation, Aβ deposition and tau protein hyperphosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, neurotoxicity, epigenetics, and brain-gut axis, so as to offer a convenient reference to the relationship of PM2.5 and AD.

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