
刘煜凡1,2,黄 沙2*,付小兵2*
(1 解放军总医院,北京 100853;2 中国人民解放军总医院组织修复与再生重点实验室,北京 100048)

摘 要:

摘 要:皮肤完美再生是烧创伤后皮肤愈合过程中难以解决的临床难题,所谓完美再生就包括了汗腺功能的恢复。作为皮肤附属器之一,汗腺在维持机体体温和内环境稳态中发挥重要作用,因此研究汗腺发育及功能具有重大科学和临床意义。汗腺源自胚胎期的外胚层,目前的研究发现其发育受到Wnt、Eda、Shh、Bmp 等通路的调控,但具体的调控机制尚有待深入探讨。汗腺的功能主要通过分泌细胞完成,即明细胞和暗细胞,这两种细胞均表达有大量的离子通道,这些离子通道共同参与了汗腺发育及汗液分泌过程。类胆碱能刺激通过第二信使Ca2+、Na+-K+-Cl- 共转运模型这两种信号激发汗液的分泌,但分子机制尚未明确。该文旨在总结近期汗腺发育及汗液分泌的相关研究,为皮肤愈合过程中的汗腺再生提供研究基础。

Skin appendage—sweat gland: mechanism of development and function
LIU Yu-Fan1,2, HUANG Sha2*, FU Xiao-Bing2*
(1 the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China ; 2 Key Laboratory of Tissue Repair and Regeneration of PLA, the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100048, China)


Abstract: Perfect skin regeneration is a difficult clinical problem in the process of wounding skin after burning. Sweat glands are involed in the perfect skin regeneration. As one of the skin appendages, sweat glands play an important role in maintaining body temperature and homeostasis. Therefore, it is of great scientific and clinical significance to study the development and function of sweat glands. The sweat glands are derived from the embryonic ectoderm. The current study found that its development is regulated by Wnt, Eda, Shh, Bmp and other pathways, but the specific regulatory mechanism remains to be further explored. The function of the sweat glands is mainly accomplished by secretory cells, namely clear cells and dark cells. These cells express a large number of ion channels, which are involved in sweat gland development and sweat secretion. It is shown that cholinergic impulses trigger sweat secretion in mature glands through second messengers – for example Ca2+ and Na+-K+-Clcotransporter model, but the molecular mechanism remains to be determined. This review aims to summarize recent progress on sweat gland development and sweat secretion, providing a basis for the study of sweat gland regeneration during skin healing.

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