韦叶兰1,陈 巍2,黄浩洁1,赵旭东1,陈孟娇1,张吉敏1,侯莉娟1*
(1 北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京 100875;2 河北师范大学体育学院,石家庄 050021)

摘 要:摘 要:运动功能是在神经系统的调控下完成的,皮层及基底神经节在运动功能调节中发挥信息整合及指令发放的作用,其中纹状体是基底神经节中接受传入信息的主要核团。腺苷A2A 受体(adenosine A2A receptor, A2AR) 在纹状体中高度表达,并在纹状体中整合多巴胺、谷氨酸和大麻素信号,参与间接通路运动抑制的信息编码。该文阐述了腺苷A2AR 与多巴胺D2 受体、代谢型谷氨酸mGlu5 受体以及大麻素CB1受体的交互作用,探讨腺苷表达异常在神经疾病,如帕金森病、酒精成瘾等产生的作用,以及靶向干预腺苷改善相关疾病运动功能的机制,并对A2AR 在间接通路运动调控及相关运动障碍中的研究进行总结,为后期运动功能中枢靶向干预提供理论参考。

Role of adenosine A2A receptor in motor control by indirect basal ganglia pathway        
WEI Ye-Lan1, CHEN Wei2, HUANG Hao-Jie1, ZHAO Xu-Dong1, CHEN Meng-Jiao1, ZHANG Ji-Min1, HOU Li-Juan1*
(1 School of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2 College of Physical Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050021, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Motor function is regulated by the nervous system. The cortex and basal ganglia play the role of motor information integrating processing and instruction delivery in motor control. Striatum is the main nucleus which receives the incoming information in the basal ganglia. Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) are highly expressed in the striatum, and it can integrate dopamine, glutamate and cannabinoid signals to participate in information coding in the indirect pathway of motor inhibition function. This paper reviewed the interaction among adenosine A2AR, dopamine D2 receptor (D2R), metabolic glutamate mGlu5 receptor (mGluR5) and cannabinoid CB1 receptor, and discussed the abnormal expression adenosine A2AR in neurologic diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and alcohol addiction. In addition, the review summarized the research on the A2AR in the indirect pathway and motor dysfunction for providing theoretical reference for targeted intervention of motor regulation.

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