陈佳慧1,薛 喆1,刘春迪2,杨海涛3,张晓宏1*
(1 宁波大学医学院,浙江省病理生理学技术研究重点实验室,宁波 315211;2 中南大学湘雅口腔医学院,长沙 410000;3 浙江大学明州医院病理科,宁波 315100)

摘 要:摘 要:溃疡性结肠炎(UC) 是炎症性肠病(IBD) 的一种,主要临床表现为迁延不愈的腹泻及便血。离子通道蛋白的表达和活性降低引起的肠腔水、电解质潴留是造成UC 腹泻的主要原因。近年来,关于离子通道蛋白的功能及其调控机制的研究取得了突破性的进展:一方面,掌握了炎症因子调控离子通道蛋白表达的确切证据;另一方面,明确了UC 中离子通道蛋白与肠道菌群的相互作用机制。现就上述进展做一综述,为发展新的UC 治疗方法提供有用证据。

Research progress on the role of ion transporter in ulcerative colitis-associated diarrhea and its regulation mechanism
CHEN Jia-Hui1, XUE Zhe1, LIU Chun-Di2, YANG Hai-Tao3, ZHANG Xiao-Hong1*
(1 Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Medical School of Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China; 2 Xiangya School of Stomatology, Central South University, Changsha 410000, China; 3 Department of Pathology, Zhejiang University Mingzhou Hospital, Ningbo 315100, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by recurrent diarrhea and hemafecia. The main cause for UC-associated diarrhea is the retention of fluid and electrolyte in lumen triggered by the decreased expression and function of ion transporters. In recent years, breakthrough progresses have been achieved concerning the function of ion transporters and the underlying mechanism. The strong evidence supporting that inflammatory factors regulate the expression of ion transporters was obtained; while the interaction between ion transporters’ activity and intestinal flora in UC patients or animal inflammatory models was uncovered. These advances have been reviewed to provide a clue to develop novel therapy strategy of UC.

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