(1 武汉科技大学医学院,武汉 430065;2 湖北省动物疫病预防控制中心,武汉 430070)

摘 要:摘 要:上皮细胞具有高度规则的结构并为下层组织提供保护层,以防病原微生物侵入。上皮细胞排列整齐的结构基础是细胞间连接,一般是细胞间黏附分子形成的有规律连接复合物,如黏附连接(adherens junctions, AJs)。然而,为了破坏或穿越上皮屏障引起宿主感染,病原体通常采取各种策略靶向作用和调控黏附连接,如细菌通过靶向E-cadherin (E- 钙黏蛋白)、β-catenin (β- 连环蛋白) 或细胞内信号通路破坏AJs,而病毒通过靶向E-cadherin 或与nectin ( 黏连蛋白) 相互作用侵入细胞。对病原微生物与黏附连接相互作用的机制研究,不仅能在细胞水平解释上皮屏障的基本生理特性,而且能阐明病原体侵入宿主的机制,为防治病原体感染提供新的思路和理论基础。

Study on the disruption of adherens junctions induced by pathogenic microbial infection
ZHANG Si-Ming1#, XIAO Hong-De2#, YUE Chao-Xiong1, HU Chen-Lu1, CHEN Yu-Shan1*
(1 Medical college, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, China; 2 Huhei Center for Animal Disease Control and Prevention, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Epithelia are highly regular structures protecting underlying tissues against invading pathogenic microbe. The structural foundation of organized epithelia and interaction is cell junctional complexes (eg. adherens junctions, AJs) comprised by cell-cell adhesion molecules. Nevertheless, in order to disrupt or cross the epithelial barriers and cause infection, pathogens have developed strategies to target and manipulate AJs. It has been reported that bacteria disrupt AJs through targeting E-cadherin, β-catenin or intracellular signaling pathways. Viruses invade cells by targeting E-cadherin or directly interacting with nectins. Studies on pathogenic microbe interactions with AJs play a vital role in elucidating fundamental physiological properties of the epithelial barriers at the cellular level, but also unravel invading mechanisms of pathogen, providing new ideas for preventing and curing pathogenic infection.

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