《生命科学》 2019, 31(10): 1047-1053
摘 要:摘 要:随着人口老龄化的加剧,由衰老导致的肌肉流失、代谢紊乱等问题引起了全球关注。有研究表明,骨骼肌雌激素的产生对绝经期女性和男性均有重要意义,运动作为一种健康的生活方式,影响了骨骼肌内雌激素水平。该文主要综述了骨骼肌雌激素的作用,探讨不同运动方式( 抗阻运动和耐力运动) 对雌激素代谢通路(DHEA 和芳香化酶) 的影响。
Abstract: Abstract: Along with the social structure of population aging, researches focusing on muscle mass loss and glucose metabolic disorder attract more and more attentions. Studies have shown that skeletal muscle estrogen plays
an important role in menopasusal women and men, and exercise also affects the level of estrogen in skeletal muscle. Therefore, the purpose of this reviews to discuss the role of estrogen in skeletal muscle and explore estrogen
metabolic pathways following exercise.