(贵州师范大学国家林业局西南喀斯特山地生物多样性保护重点实验室,贵阳 550025)

摘 要:摘 要:中国境内物种的演化形式复杂多样,越来越多的国内外学者对区域的物种谱系地理格局进行了研究,尽管已有学者对各类群动物、植物进行了综述,但缺乏对所有动物的全面研究概况的介绍。该文通过整理近10 年来的相关文献,探讨在中国境内动物谱系地理格局形成的过程中,气候动荡、地质变迁、人类活动以及物种自身的散播等因素的作用。发现气候和地质因素在物种的演化过程中起主要作用,第四纪冰期循环引起的气候动荡形成多个冰期避难所,驱使温带动物的分布和遗传结构多样化;山脉的阻隔、隆起及人类活动造成的栖息地片段化和排水系统的改变,以及岛屿与大陆的分分合合,形成了基因流屏障或迁徙廊道,导致了动物的隔离和分化。以上因素对动物谱系地理格局的影响最终取决于动物的分布地域及自身属性。

Analysis of factors affecting animal phylogeographic patterns in China
XU Xiao-Rong#, LV Xiao-Yan#, HE Xiao-Tao, WANG Ye-Ying*
(Key Laboratory of State Forestry Administration on Biodiversity Conservation in Karst Mountainous Areas of Southwestern of China, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550025, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The evolutionary patterns of species in China are complex and diverse. More and more international and domestic academics have studied the phylogeographic patterns of these species. Although some scholars have reviewed various fauna and plants, there is no comprehensive introduction about the study of phylogeographic pattern to all animals. In this paper, through the analysis of related literature in the past ten years, we discuss the role of climatic oscillations, geological changes, human activities, the dispersal and migrational abilities of species in the formation of animal phylogeographic patterns in China. It was found that climate and geological factors played a major role in animal evolution. The climatic oscillations caused by the Quaternary glacial cycle resulted in the formation of multiple glacial shelters, driving the diversity of distribution and genetic structure of animals in temperate region. Habitat fragmentation and drainage system changes caused by mountain barriers, uplifts and human activities, and repeated connection and separation of islands and continents, resulted in the formation of gene flow barrier or migration corridor, which led to animal isolation and differentiation. The influence of the above factors on animal phylogeographic patterns ultimately depended on animal distribution and their own attributes.

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