殷博凯,郭艳芹,何 治*
(三峡大学医学院,宜昌 443002)

摘 要:摘 要:Humanin (HN) 是一种新发现的由24 个氨基酸残基组成的短肽,在保护神经元免受阿尔茨海默病相关蛋白质诱导的损伤中发挥着重要作用。HN 结构域中氨基酸残基的互相替换或延伸可形成多种衍生肽,部分具有更强的活性。虽然先前关于HN 及其衍生肽的研究主要集中在阿尔茨海默病上,但是最近发现HN 及其衍生肽具有更广泛的保护作用,涉及多个系统。现以HN 为入手点,对近些年来HN 及其衍生肽保护作用的研究进展进行综述,以期能为HN 及其衍生肽的功能及疾病治疗的相关研究提供一定的参考。

Advances in research on the protective effects of humanin and its derived peptides
YIN Bo-Kai, GUO Yan-Qin, HE Zhi*
(Medical College of Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Humanin (HN) is a newly discovered short peptide consisting of twenty four amino acid residues that plays an important role in protecting neurons from the damage induced by Alzheimer’s disease-related protein. The mutual substitution or extension of amino acid residues in the HN domain can form a plurality of derivative peptides, and some of which have stronger activity. Despite the previous studies on HN and its derived peptides have mainly focused on Alzheimer’s disease, it has recently been discovered that HN and its derived peptides have broader protection and involve multiple systems. This review will use HN as a starting point to review the research progress of the protective effects of HN and its derived peptides in recent years, in order to provide a reference for the related study of the function of HN and its derived peptides and the treatment of the diseases.

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