袁子琪1,2*,李世昌1,孙 朋1,宗博艺1,刘 媛1
(1 华东师范大学体育与健康学院,上海 200241; 2 华东师范大学青少年健康评价与运动干预教育部重点实验室,上海 200241)

摘 要:摘 要:70%~80% 晚期乳腺癌、前列腺癌患者会发生癌细胞骨转移,继而导致骨质疏松等溶骨性或成骨性病症。癌细胞骨转移需要经历四个阶段——定植、休眠、再活化、增殖与侵袭,但骨转移的发生机制尚不完全清楚,相关研究集中在癌细胞与骨微环境的相互作用机制。骨髓脂肪组织(bone marrow adipose tissue,BMAT) 是近来的一个研究热点,对循环癌细胞有着高吸引力。BMAT 通过旁分泌形式调控癌细胞骨转移,促进其定植、能量代谢等病理生理进程,并通过调控骨吸收与微血管生成间接影响休眠癌细胞的再活化与增殖,促进骨转移“恶性循环”。乳腺癌与前列腺癌在骨转移进程前期具有相似机制,因此该综述以乳腺癌、前列腺癌骨转移为切入点,梳理癌细胞骨转移发生机制,整理归纳BMAT 对骨转移的调控机制,旨在为癌细胞骨转移发生机制及临床治疗提供新的思路。

Advances in research on mechanism of bone marrow adipose tissue regulating bone metastasis
YUAN Zi-Qi1,2*, LI Shi-Chang1, SUN Peng1, ZONG Bo-Yi1, LIU Yuan1
(1 College of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)

Abstract: Abstract: 70%-80% of patients with advanced breast cancer and prostate cancer develop bone metastasis of cancer cells, which in turn leads to osteolytic or osteogenic diseases such as osteoporosis and osteosclerosis. Bone metastasis of cancer cells requires four stages—colonization, dormancy, reactivation, and proliferation and invasion. However, the mechanism of bone metastasis is not fully understood, and related research focuses on the interaction mechanism between cancer cells and bone microenvironment. Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT), as a recent research hotspot, is highly attractive to circulating cancer cells. BMAT directly regulates bone metastasis of cancer cells through paracrine form, promotes its pathophysiological processes such as colonization and energy
    metabolism, and indirectly affects the reactivation and proliferation of dormant cancer cells by regulating bone resorption and microangiogenesis, and promotes the "vicious circle" of bone metastasis. Breast cancer and prostate cancer have similar mechanisms in the early stage of bone metastasis. Therefore, this review uses breast cancer and prostate cancer bone metastasis as the entry point, combing the mechanism of bone metastasis, and sorting out the regulation mechanism of BMAT on bone metastasis to provide new ideas for the mechanism of bone metastasis and clinical treatment.

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